Thursday, January 27, 2005

My S.O. called this "the eye in the sky"... it does look that way doesn't it? This is Misquamicut, RI. You can almost see the water...


Blogger hearts81 said...

What a great shot of the sky! I was thinking about this very topic a few days ago and how interesting it would be to simply paint the sky as you see it. Unfortunately, I don't think that many people would believe that the sky could look this interesting. When you think about it, the skies that you see in most paintings are dead boring in comparison!

:) Visually Pleasing... most definitely! :)

12:16 PM  
Blogger letti said...

i love cloud pictures...especially the ones where the rays are coming down..

3:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

wow, thats a really nice picture. The clouds look like a large ring.

6:19 PM  

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